Shaped Murals

Shaped tiles are not square except for the perimeter. They are more like a large puzzle that can be set into a field of traditional tiles. The grout lines follow the contour of the design. This exciting new concept gives the tile painting the appearance of stained glass. They are available in both white or stoneware clay. The stoneware clay is glazed with pottery type glazes and is more suitable for outdoor use.

The Dancers: 16" x 19½" (Stoneware)

Dancers At Rest: 12" x 18" (Stoneware)

St. John: 26" x 12" (Ceramic)

Women Of Peru: 17" x 15" (Ceramic)

Wine & Bread: 20" x 20" (Ceramic)

Water Lilies: 12" x 19" (Stoneware)

Hawaiian Dancer: 24" x 16" (Stoneware)

Thai Girl: 12" x 12" (Stoneware)